Wednesday, January 11, 2012

JM 30 Day Shred - Day 7 and some engagement stuff

I am healing. This means that I did the Shred today, but I did it toned down. I did everything except for lunges and squats, which I think is reasonable. Let me tell you that taking almost two full days off in a row showed me how far I had come working out. My body felt it tonight! OW! But it was the good kind of ow, not the "oh my god I can't move my leg now carry me from room to room" kind of ow. So that is a good thing.

Also, I was upset when I timed some of Jillian's workouts. I kept feeling like certain exercises were lasting longer then what she said they were. Most of the exercises that I timed were anywhere between 10 to 25 seconds longer then she said they were going to be. I don't know if it is a good thing that she is lying about the time and everyone is being pushed past the time limit, or if it is just plain mean because it feels like forever when she says 30 seconds and it ends up being 50 seconds.

I want to do Bodyrock day 7, but I am scared to push too hard. I am thinking that tomorrow I will kick the day off with day 7 of Bodyrock and depending on how I feel do day 8, and then end the day with the Shred like usual.

Here is my truth moment. After having the time off from working out, it was hard to convince myself to jump back in. The pain was still there today, and it would have been so easy to pout and whine some more about my leg and how I just couldn't do it today. One of the reasons that I did the Shred today was because I got the dresses in for my our :) engagement photo shoot, and the truth is that I fit into the yellow one (a little frumpy, but that will go away with the weight loss) and the strawberry, white, and pink dress doesn't fit. It is really short, and it made me sad. The dress was relatively expensive, and there is a part of me that is hoping that I will fit into after I lose weight, but the other part of me keeps asking if I am really sure that I want to take that chance. What if it doesn't fit ever? Do I want to take the chance? And if I send it back, what if the place stops carrying it? I would be crushed; it is the dress that resembles perfectly what I want.

Here, I'll show you.

So I have no idea what I want to do about the pink dress. I also want to do more of a vintage hairstyle for the session. Maybe a hairstyle from the Notebook because I am loving a more vintage look right now.

Food log

Breakfast - 9:20
Almond crunch bar

Lunch - 12:00
Seafood Alfredo leftovers
2 crossants

Snack 4:30
a cookie

Dinner - 5:20
Seafood Alfredo leftovers
popsicle (don't worry, they are almost gone, and I will not be buying anymore of them)


  1. This is why I wish you lived closer. Between me and my mom (who was a tailor/seamstress for 20 years) I'm sure we could figure out something with the pink dress. What a bummer, it's so pretty. What are you going to do?

    1. Well, J.D. and I talked about it, and we agree that it will be a great incentive to keep and work myself into. The only thing that makes me nervous then is that the yellow dress won't fit right, but then I could come down, and you guys could make it shrink. Better smaller than bigger right?
