Monday, January 9, 2012

JM 30 Day Shred and BodyRock - Day 6 (and some other stuff)

Today was full of good and bad things. Let's begin with the good!

My subbing certificate FINALLY came in. So did my content certification. YAY!
~The reason that is exciting beyond the obvious is now I can start working my way away from retail and get my foot further into the door at the high school. It is also good news because now that I am certified I think all I have to do is apply at other schools to get on their sub lists. I still need to look into it. I will do that this week.

I get on Blogger today and was like WOW 35 page visits. (That is a lot in one day for me, okay?) Anyway, I was feeling pretty good. Then the number jumps up to 40. I look at the thingy that tracks people location and people are coming from everywhere. I'm thinking this is strange. And then a thought hits me. I bet Jen posted something on her blog about me, and she did! Which first off is awesome! I love that I was mentioned in her blog because I worship the ground that her blog walks on. And then it was sad. I did the old awe shucks kick at the dirt and laughed at myself because I will never ever have as many views as I did today (I think the number was like 78 people). It was really, really neat. It gives me a better understanding of why people blog.

Although I am beginning to realize that this is what blogging is like for me:

What it feels like
The Reality

This is just so true. :)

Another good thing is that I filled out an application for a manager job at a clothing store. I went into today and the store manager and myself had a nice conversation about what a good fit I would be there. This is nice to have as a backup incase the subbing doesn't happen as much as I would like. So still solid.

On to the not so good part of my day and the workout section of this post.

Whatever color is not amused is what you can color me. I started to do the Shred workout tonight just like I always do. I was pumped, ready, good to go, and during one of the second of third moves, a tremendous pain fizzled in my thigh. I said ow and stopped. I paused the video and rubbed my leg hoping that the pain would go away.

Thinking I am being a weeny, I unpause the video and get down on the floor for the next move. I complete the move, stand up, and almost buckle over in pain. My fiance at this point was not amused.

We came to the conclusion that it might be a good idea to STOP the workout to avoid further injury.

It is either a sprained or a strained muscle.


Are you kidding me?

I sat there staring at J.D. with a horrified look on my face. My leg then preceded to pulse and tighten, pulse and tighten. It was really quite wonderful...

So that ended my workout for the evening. My leg tightened up so badly that I had to be carried around because it hurt and felt like a tugging was occurring every time I tried to walk. FML.

At least I ate well today. I will be fine tomorrow. Do you hear me body? I will be fine or else!

Food Log

Breakfast - nothing :( oops.

Lunch - 11:30
salad, carrots, green bell peppers, olives, croutons
Chips and peach salsa
Little block of cheese that I gnawed on

Snack - 4:15
one cookie

Dinner - 5:30
green beans

Snack - 9:30
Freeze pop (70 cals)


  1. Yeah, blogging gets quite addictive when you see all the traffic coming though :) Sorry about your leg! Try doing lots of stretching and make sure you are eating bananas!

  2. How did I miss this post? I heart your blog, it's refreshing and honest, and the views and followers will come. I got all caught up with my numbers when I started, and while I have a number of followers, I can only count on a handful of them to read the crap I post, and an even smaller number to comment. There are a handful of ladies that I always comment on their blogs, and they always comment on mine. It's a nice sense of camaraderie.
