Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Fallen off of the face of the earth? Maybe!

I worked out today. I was hurt and then super-duper-don't-look-at-me-sick for a long time.

To sum up the workout it sucked, and I did my best...no I didn't.

Tomorrow I will do better. I have to.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

JM 30 Day Shred - Day 7 and some engagement stuff

I am healing. This means that I did the Shred today, but I did it toned down. I did everything except for lunges and squats, which I think is reasonable. Let me tell you that taking almost two full days off in a row showed me how far I had come working out. My body felt it tonight! OW! But it was the good kind of ow, not the "oh my god I can't move my leg now carry me from room to room" kind of ow. So that is a good thing.

Also, I was upset when I timed some of Jillian's workouts. I kept feeling like certain exercises were lasting longer then what she said they were. Most of the exercises that I timed were anywhere between 10 to 25 seconds longer then she said they were going to be. I don't know if it is a good thing that she is lying about the time and everyone is being pushed past the time limit, or if it is just plain mean because it feels like forever when she says 30 seconds and it ends up being 50 seconds.

I want to do Bodyrock day 7, but I am scared to push too hard. I am thinking that tomorrow I will kick the day off with day 7 of Bodyrock and depending on how I feel do day 8, and then end the day with the Shred like usual.

Here is my truth moment. After having the time off from working out, it was hard to convince myself to jump back in. The pain was still there today, and it would have been so easy to pout and whine some more about my leg and how I just couldn't do it today. One of the reasons that I did the Shred today was because I got the dresses in for my our :) engagement photo shoot, and the truth is that I fit into the yellow one (a little frumpy, but that will go away with the weight loss) and the strawberry, white, and pink dress doesn't fit. It is really short, and it made me sad. The dress was relatively expensive, and there is a part of me that is hoping that I will fit into after I lose weight, but the other part of me keeps asking if I am really sure that I want to take that chance. What if it doesn't fit ever? Do I want to take the chance? And if I send it back, what if the place stops carrying it? I would be crushed; it is the dress that resembles perfectly what I want.

Here, I'll show you.

So I have no idea what I want to do about the pink dress. I also want to do more of a vintage hairstyle for the session. Maybe a hairstyle from the Notebook because I am loving a more vintage look right now.

Food log

Breakfast - 9:20
Almond crunch bar

Lunch - 12:00
Seafood Alfredo leftovers
2 crossants

Snack 4:30
a cookie

Dinner - 5:20
Seafood Alfredo leftovers
popsicle (don't worry, they are almost gone, and I will not be buying anymore of them)

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Break day 2 (and a rockin' video)

I was going to take my official second day off on Wednesday, but I am calling today it because of my leg. It felt a lot better today, like it was healing, but it still hurt to put too much pressure on it. For instance, going down the stairs was fine but going up the stairs made me whimper a little bit. I am crossing my fingers that after not doing anything strenuous today that tomorrow it will be close to good as new. If it is not, I will hula hoop for an hour or so and do an upper body workout. (Which is probably what I should have done today, but I was scared of hurting myself again.)

Some inspiration for today and everyday :) Seriously everyone needs to watch this video and hear its message.

Food log (maybe not the best today...)

Breakfast - 9:40
1/2 cup of chocolate milk
a cookie

Lunch - 12:00
half a crunchy peanut butter sandwich
chips and peach salsa
tiny block of cheese :)

Snack- 4:30
a glass of Welch's black cherry grape juice
a lemon Popsicle

Dinner - 6:40
Seafood Alfredo (This is a recipe that I have to post about. It was soooo good)

Snack- 8:50
Strawberry shake :)

Monday, January 9, 2012

JM 30 Day Shred and BodyRock - Day 6 (and some other stuff)

Today was full of good and bad things. Let's begin with the good!

My subbing certificate FINALLY came in. So did my content certification. YAY!
~The reason that is exciting beyond the obvious is now I can start working my way away from retail and get my foot further into the door at the high school. It is also good news because now that I am certified I think all I have to do is apply at other schools to get on their sub lists. I still need to look into it. I will do that this week.

I get on Blogger today and was like WOW 35 page visits. (That is a lot in one day for me, okay?) Anyway, I was feeling pretty good. Then the number jumps up to 40. I look at the thingy that tracks people location and people are coming from everywhere. I'm thinking this is strange. And then a thought hits me. I bet Jen posted something on her blog about me, and she did! Which first off is awesome! I love that I was mentioned in her blog because I worship the ground that her blog walks on. And then it was sad. I did the old awe shucks kick at the dirt and laughed at myself because I will never ever have as many views as I did today (I think the number was like 78 people). It was really, really neat. It gives me a better understanding of why people blog.

Although I am beginning to realize that this is what blogging is like for me:

What it feels like
The Reality

This is just so true. :)

Another good thing is that I filled out an application for a manager job at a clothing store. I went into today and the store manager and myself had a nice conversation about what a good fit I would be there. This is nice to have as a backup incase the subbing doesn't happen as much as I would like. So still solid.

On to the not so good part of my day and the workout section of this post.

Whatever color is not amused is what you can color me. I started to do the Shred workout tonight just like I always do. I was pumped, ready, good to go, and during one of the second of third moves, a tremendous pain fizzled in my thigh. I said ow and stopped. I paused the video and rubbed my leg hoping that the pain would go away.

Thinking I am being a weeny, I unpause the video and get down on the floor for the next move. I complete the move, stand up, and almost buckle over in pain. My fiance at this point was not amused.

We came to the conclusion that it might be a good idea to STOP the workout to avoid further injury.

It is either a sprained or a strained muscle.


Are you kidding me?

I sat there staring at J.D. with a horrified look on my face. My leg then preceded to pulse and tighten, pulse and tighten. It was really quite wonderful...

So that ended my workout for the evening. My leg tightened up so badly that I had to be carried around because it hurt and felt like a tugging was occurring every time I tried to walk. FML.

At least I ate well today. I will be fine tomorrow. Do you hear me body? I will be fine or else!

Food Log

Breakfast - nothing :( oops.

Lunch - 11:30
salad, carrots, green bell peppers, olives, croutons
Chips and peach salsa
Little block of cheese that I gnawed on

Snack - 4:15
one cookie

Dinner - 5:30
green beans

Snack - 9:30
Freeze pop (70 cals)

Sunday, January 8, 2012

JM 30 Day Shred and BodyRock - Day 5

Today, after my day of rest, I feel wonderful!

I did the Bodyrock 400 rep challenge.

Think you can handle it? Here you GO.

75 high knees. 25 reverse elevated sit up thingys. Do 4 times (that equals 400). :)
I finished it in 11 minutes. I feel great about it.

A couple hours after I kicked major hinny, I did Day 5 of the 30 Day Shred. I felt energized. I felt tough. I felt like freakin' Wonder Woman. Growl!

It was easily the best that I have done so far. I stopped for less then 5 seconds twice and pushed through it like a beast. I completed most of the moves in their advance form. Full version butt kicks. Lower, deeper squats. More push ups. Double time jumping jacks. I worked up a sweat and felt great about it.

My big brother, Jake, pointed out/recommended that taking a break is good for the body and keeps it from burning out. If I had known how a break would make me feel, I would have felt less guilty about taking one. This makes me look forward to Wednesday. :) 2 break days a week. That's what he said.

Maybe it all psychological, but when I looked in the mirror today, I thought I looked a little different. Maybe it's real. Maybe it's not. I don't care. It is nice to feel better about myself.



Breakfast 9:30
a cup of chocolate milk :)
an almond crunch bar

Lunch 1:00
5 chicken nuggets
chips and salsa
a kiwi

Dinner 5:00
Half a chicken breast
green beans
2 cookies

After Dinner snack 9:36
a cup of chocolate milk

Break day :)

SATURDAY IS MY BREAK DAY! Because the body needs a break to recover. Honestly after having today off, I feel so good, and I feel like I am going to kick butt tomorrow.

In order to achieve weight loss, you need to be motivated and have a stellar support system that has your back. Let my lay out mine for you.

1. My sister in law, Jennifer Dixon :). She posted this photo on my Facebook wall tonight. She has also been the only person commenting and giving me support on my sad little blog.

I just want everyone to know that it is the support, caring, and selfless nature that I am being surrounded with by my family and friends that will keep my going. Everybody should have this kind of support in their lives from someone. I am sure that you have it too!

2. My dad. The poor man sits on the phone with me on an almost daily basis. I ramble on about the workouts that I did, and he tells me what he did. He is always supportive and tells me I can do it. This helps me feel more accountable.

3. My fiance. Do you know what he did last night? We had just finished having an orange cinnamon roll, and I recommended having some popcorn. And he said no. I asked why. He said he didn't want any. I said I did. And he responds, "Don't get mad, but you don't want any more calories for the day." Excuse me? He smiles and says, "You know what I mean. You are going to be mad if you eat it. I'm just trying to help."
How many men out there can actually say something like that and actually mean? How many can say and be true and genuine because they are just trying to be helpful and give you what you asked for, not what they think that you need? Not. Very. Many. :) Thanks baby. Call me out when I am being a fat ass.

P.S. - I was hungry so I did cook the popcorn, and then I was mad after I ate half the bowl. What can I say, I am weak, and he knows me. 

4. Lisa-Marie, the hostess from Bodyrock, posted this on her Facebook page tonight:  "Ok, I'm just about to leave for Sean's B'day weekend but I wanted to say that as I was getting ready all I was thinking was that I reallllllyyyy hope that you guys are staying strong and snacking on carrots not cake and not giving up and ruining the amazing efforts you have made... it takes a week for your body to recognize change so please stay strong, and if you have fallen... This is my hand out to get you back on the wagon !! Please don't stop .... Stay with me !!!! X."

Haha-everytime she posts inspiration like, I pause and look around, thinking how does she know? :)

How can I not succeed in this endeavor when I have so much support coming from so many directions? 

Even though I didn't work out, my word for the day was BELIEVE. I BELIEVE that I can do this. I BELIEVE that I will see changes and will work hard until I do and then even harder after that. I BELIEVE that all the changes that I am making in my life WILL have a positive effect on my body and in my life. I BELIEVE that I can does this and that you can too!

Friday, January 6, 2012

JM 30 Day Shred and BodyRock - Day 4

Did I mention that before I started the 30 Day Shred and Bodyrock that I was trying to get in shape to do the workouts? Well I was. Three days prior to the 30 Day Shred arriving from Amazon, I was hooping, running walk/jogging, and I tried to do the 100 workout. So while this is Day 4 of the Shred and Bodyrock, it is my seventh day straight working out. Day 7. 

Day 7 and while I am patting myself on the back, I am also wondering, "When is my break day?" I do feel pressure to lose the weight, to get results, and to make a change, but, sheesh, I am starting to lose my momentum. 

Oh, and to add insult to everything else...I haven't lost a single pound. It's true. Nothing. Not a single freaking pound. *sigh* This makes me feel like I don't deserve a break. That I haven't worked hard enough. That I haven't eaten healthy enough. It is so FRUSTRATING!

I have been trying really hard. I have. I hope that this is just my body adjusting still. That I am on my way. I have to admit that I am scared that after all of this effort that my body isn't going to change at all. It is scary and disheartening that this isn't enough to change me. 

:( :( :( :(

Bodyrock review Day 4
My inspirational word for today is PROMISE. I made a promise to myself that I would do the 30 Day Shred everyday and would make the change in my body that I wish to see. A promise to keep pushing forward. I have awesome support from my fiance, my father, and my sister in law over at lifecrafts&whatever. The support has been a big difference! I also made a promise to myself to blog everyday about my workouts. I hope am going to keep this up!

Want to watch or try the workout for yourself? Go HERE.

Workout Breakdown: Same intervals as always 50/10
4 workouts. Do 1, 2, 3, 4 and repeat 2 more times. This makes it the same 12 minutes as the others.
1. Burpees + Push-up
Round 1 - 8
Round 2 - 9
Round 3 - 2
2. Reverse Pull Ups using the Dip Station
Round 1 - 17
Round 2 - 14
Round 3 - 3
3. Triple Plank Jumps
Round 1 - 6
Round 2 - 3
Round 3 - 1
4. High Knees using the Dip Station
Round 1 - 10
Round 2 - 7
Round 3 - 4
By round three I was losing it. The reason that there are 4 different workouts instead of 12 is because people were whining that Lisa's workouts were too complex. Whatever. They were not. They were awesome and having 12 workouts made the 12 minutes speed by. It was challenging and energizing. I hated the workout today. Literally hated it. Doing the same workout over and over again made the 12 minutes seem like 40 minutes. I hope that the next workout session is better. 

The 30 Day Shred review Day 4
We had a date night tonight and with that date night came fast food and a later night out. I didn't want to.  Trust me, I know this is becoming a pattern. I pushed through. I am waiting for it to get easy, but I know that it won't. I am being a downer baby. I know I am. I guess I am just trying to be honest. I don't want to just say, "well, it's getting tough. Oh well." Because that is not honest, and if this is going to inspire someone (which I hope it does) I want YOU to know that I agree with all the doubts and the reasons to stop. It sucks, but You have to keep going. One day soon I will post about it and tell you how good the workout felt and how excited I am that I am completing level 1 at the intermediate pace. Have faith!
Food Log
Breakfast - 10:30am
1/2 grapefruit
2 teaspoons of sugar

Lunch 12:30
bowl full of salad - half spinach, half lettuce, carrots, croutons, 4 black olives, caesar dressing
a grilled cheese sandwich :) YUMMY!

Dinner 6:30pm
Buffalo Wild Wings (I am a bad, bad girl. It was date night? I'm sorry)
6 Garlic parmesan flats
a basket of fries
Yea, life is good.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

JM 30 Day Shred and BodyRock - Day 3

For day 3 of Bodyrock, please go HERE

Lisa has been encouraging people to have a workout word for the day. A word that will motivate and inspire. My word today is ARMS. It is the word that will remind me how my arms looked in the wedding dresses that I tried on, and how yucky I thought they looked. I want them to look better and be stronger. My arms also inspire me because they are the weakest part of my body, and I need to become stronger so that will change. Brilliant.  :)

Lisa’s 12 Minute Cardio, Core & Resistance Workout.
Here are my scores:
Set your interval timer for 12 Rounds of 50/10.
1. Superman Push-ups - 12
2. Elevated Push-up’s & L&R knee to elbow touch with the Swiss Ball (Swiss Ball optional) - 5
3. Squat & Press with the Pink Sandbag (10lb hand weights) - 12
4. Ugi Clean & Press (again, I used my hand weights) + Jump Forward + 3 x Squat Jumps - 5
5. Reverse Pull-Ups on Dip Station (with no dip station do push ups) - 14
6. Side Jump Burpee + 2 knee to elbow Oblique Abs + Tuck Jump Centre (Alternate Sides) - 4
7. Forward Lunge + Side Lunge + Knee Lift. (Alternate Legs) - 6
8. Ugi Ball Push-up (I don't have an Ugi Ball, so I did push ups with my hands place chest width apart) & Burpee + Sumo L&R Knee Touch - 5
9. Tricep Dip + Kickout V Abs with the Dip Station (The modified version is to use the couch to dip down and bring one knee up to the body at a time while elevated) - 4
10. Overhead Abs with the Pink Sandbag (I used 5lb weights) - 10
11. Sandbag Shoulder Lift + Squat + Switch Shoulder Press with the Pink Sandbag (modified version is just straight squat jumps. Boo! - 12
12. Speed Run - whole 50 seconds at full speed. Yea baby!

Lisa is crazy! She makes up these crazy, intense, really hard 12 minute exercises. I fight for every second during the 50 second intervals and all 10 seconds of the rest period. Also, squats are beginning to hurt. I feel sore when I do a few, and then they start to burn, and then the pain begins to set it. I am trying to be smart by going slow and constantly making sure that my stance is correct, but ouchy, they hurt.

I need to look up a good way to stretch after a hard thigh workout.

30 Day Shred - Day 3

I haven't made it through the video yet without having to take a break, but today was the closest that I have come to going straight through. EVERY single time I do circuit three side lunges with the weight press I about die. It hurts, and I fight for every inch of the move, but I can't make it through. It is hard. 

But hey, I am getting better and stronger. That is what I wanted. I can't wait to see what I look like in 30 days.  :)

Alright onto the food log. Just to warn you, I was a little weak today. Not terrible, but not good either.

Breakfast - 9:00am
An orange :) num num num.

Lunch - 12:00
leftover John's Muesetta 
1/4 serving of broccoli carrot soup
1/4 Irish Tatar Bread Bowl

a cookie :)

Dinner - 5:00 pm
1/2 a chicken small chicken breast
1/3 green bell pepper
1 jalapeno 
1 tablespoon of garlic parmesan cheese
2 tortilla shells

6 tortilla chips
1 tablespoon of peach salsa

I was weak and drank bottle of welch's strawberry soda which is 300 calories!!! OUCH! :(

Kiwi. Man I love kiwi!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

JM 30 Day Shred and BodyRock - Day 2

Food log for today

Breakfast - 9:30

Lunch - 11:30
1/4 cup of grilled chicken slices reheated in a skillet
Taco Bell seasoning powder
1/3 green bell pepper and 1 jalapeno cooked in 2 Tablespoons of Hot Salsa
1/4 cup of cheese (I love cheese too much)
8-10 black olives
2 tortilla shells

6-7 tortilla chips
2 tablespoons peach salsa

Dinner - 6:30
Broccoli Cheddar Soup – Panera Style (SO FREAKIN' GOOD! Don't worry I'll post the recipe later).
Irish Tater Bread bowl (Again, the recipe is a must!)

Dessert - 6:50
2 chocolate, nut, banana bites

I did the food first this time because I forgot about it last time, and I always wonder what people eat when they are living a more healthy lifestyle. Don't worry I won't be posting what I eat forever, just what I eat during this 30 day challenge. I'm hoping that it will keep me on track and accountable.

Alright on to the BodyRock review and scores.

I was dragging butt today. 
I didn't want to workout. 
I wanted to sit on the couch and surf the internet. But I did. I made myself. I kept thinking about how I am UNHAPPY about the way that I look, and I have to be the one to change it.

First off, I want to say that I don't enjoy that they post their videos so late at night. The videos are posted around 7:30pm. I find this frustrating because the last thing I want to do is work my body out hard, use areas of my body that I haven't for a while, and get a good burn going, only to fall asleep a few hours later and wake up unable to move. When a more intense workout is done at the beginning of the day, then the rest of the day is a nice way to stretch out, use your body, and make sure that it doesn't tighten up too bad. 

Other then the timing, Day 2 was great! And to fix the timing issue, I did the pervious day's BodyRock in the morning and then the Shred at night. It works for me; I sweat!!!

Go HERE if you want to give it a try!

Here are my scores for today:
Todays Workout is only 12 Minutes – 12 rounds of 50/10 (For those of you that need an interval timer to complete the exercises, I downloaded mine on itunes for $1, instead of buying one for $20)

10 x High Knees & 10 x Mountain Climbers - 4 and a half 
2 x Squat Jumps & 2 x Push-ups & 1 x Tuck Jumps - 4
Center to Elbow Jump (L&R) & 2 x leg jumps - 4
Tuck Jumps x 5 & ½ Burpee & squat hold x 5 - 1  <----------I was only able to do 1 set!
Clean & Press & Squat & Press & Push Up - 4
Switch Lunge & Press - 19 (I used hand weights because I don't have a sandbag)
Spider Knee Push up & Straight Leg Push Up (L&R) - 3
Side Lunge x 2 & L & R Side Punch  & 2 Tuck Jumps - 3
10 x Squat & 10 x Squat Jumps - 1
Elbow to Knee jumps 10 x each side - 2
Wide leg jumps & Push up - 6
Speed run (whole 50 seconds, giving it my all, CHECK!)

This was intense today! I was grunting, sweating, and out of breathe. Changing isn't easy. I know that I will have to fight for every inch and for every change that I want to see. 

BR did it's job; a really good job. And it was only a 12 minute workout!

That is what I had to keep telling myself. It's only 12 minutes. It's only 12 minutes. Because seriously, I did not want to do it today. It sucked at the time, but hours later I felt energized, and most importantly, I could look myself in the mirror. I didn't punk out.

I would say that the hardest set was anything that had a tuck jump. I hate tuck jumps. I hate, hate, hate, hate them! They are the worst. 

Second hardest were the spider push ups. Oh my goodness. I don't know if it's because the move is really hard, or if it's because my arms are so weak but it's tough. I'm being honest when I tell you that my arms are probably that most out of shape part on my body.

The one that felt the best was the Wide leg jumps & Push up set. I felt and worked for all six. I can still feel it in my arms.

This concludes the end of BR Day 2 review.

On to Day 2 of the 30 Day Shred.

To begin with, and to continue the theme of this post, I did not want to workout today. I did not, not, not! But, I did!

My body was more sore today, so it made the 20 minutes a little more grueling. I also tried harder today because I knew how to pace myself and what to expect. I feel good. The 3 minutes of strength training felt good, so did the 2 minutes of cardio, and the minute of abs was good. I was struggling towards that end and saying some unpleasant words, but I powered through. :)

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Wedding Pictures that I have to get!

I'm not playing around. These pics are a must for me.

I can't wait to do this! So freaking cool. And how perfect is it
for my beauty and the beast wedding?!

Reception Ideas - Photo Booth

I want a photo booth of some sort at my reception. It is going to be legen....wait for it...dary. :)

My fiance and I are both English majors, so even though this
is Christmas, I like it would be awesome to have scrabble
titles for people to spell out messages.

JM 30 Day Shred - Day 1

I just finished Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred, and oh my goodness. I am sweaty and shaking. 

About Day 1 (20 minute workout)

Be aware (and I think this is one of the most important things Jillian said) 

"You don't get to take breaks in a 20 minute workout. Push through if you want results. Pushing through the burn and the pain is the fastest way to get the body to change."

I am on level one of the DVD, and there are three levels in it. She combines strength training, cardio, and abs to give a great workout. The video began with a warm up and ended with deep stretches. 

To begin with, level one is not working out with Jillian. It is listening to Jillian talk while her two friends workout with you. I did like that one person showed the low impact version and one friend showed the high impact, more intense version. Basically what that tells me, is that I should not move on from level one until I can complete the DVD at least two times doing the intense version because at that point I have taken the moves, learned them, and benefited from them.

For strength training, she includes a variety of moves. The best part was that you do arms and legs at the same time. What? Yea, that's right. The same time! It felt terrible and wonderful. It hurt burned. But then again, it is suppose to. If it didn't burn, then I wasn't working hard enough.

She does a plethora of different moves for the 2 minutes of cardio, and what I liked best was that you do 30 seconds on one cardio and then switch to a different move. So, in each 2 minutes you are doing two different moves, but every 30 seconds you get to switch. I appreciated it because it made the moves easier to complete mentally. 

Last but not least, I did abs. She does 1 minute of abs. I did a variety of abs workouts. I enjoyed the abs because I had to push myself hard and it felt good. 

The endorphins are pumping, and I am loving it. I am sure that tomorrow I will be sore, and it will be more difficult to complete the workout, but I am ready for it. I am ready for the change.

I forgot to post this with the original post, so I am adding it in.
Food log for today!

Breakfast - :( nothing. I woke up later than usual and needed to get ready. This is obviously bad, bad, bad for the body!

Pre Lunch precaution - 11:30
(I was going out to lunch with my best friend Jessica, and I didn't want to overeat, so I ate before I left.)
1 pizza muffin
1 bottle of water
1 chocolate, nut, banana bite.

Actual Lunch - 12:30
Crispy Chicken Sandwich
value fry
value drink (coke) and a half cup refill

Dinner - 6:30
John's Musetta (Small portion size)
It contains - shell noodles, ground beef, velveta cheese, minced garlic, mushrooms, onion, chopped tomatoes, and tomato paste.
Bottle of water

After Dinner snack - 8:30
10 pretzels from J.D.'s bowl of pretzel sticks
1 chocolate, nut, banana bite

Late night snack (cause we were up really late) :(
1 pizza muffin
half a bottle of water

Monday, January 2, 2012

BR Day 1 - Fit Test

I am 22 years old. I weigh 150 pounds. I am too sedentary.

sedentary |ˈsednˌterē|


(of a persontending to spend much time seated; somewhat inactive.
(of work or a way of life) characterized by much sitting and littlephysical exercise.(of a position) sitting; seated.
Yea, well that is me, or as I like to call it, lazy! And I am lazy.
However, I have decided to change all of that. Today is my third day working out, and my first day of commitment to something more. The Bodyrock 30 fit challenge is just the beginning for me. I will NOT stop after the 30 days. 
Without anymore delay here are my scores:
Squat Jump ~ 20
Push Ups ~ 11
Burpees ~ 11
High Knees ~ 70
Switch Lunges ~ 16
Tuck Jumps ~ 11
Straight Abs ~ 14

Here is the site and video BODYROCK FIT TEST.
Review of the Fit Test
First off, I enjoyed that Lisa-Marie used standard exercises like push ups, high knees, and straight abs (sit ups) because most of us have done those in a PE class. I remember doing them in class, and I always thought they were so easy; I felt sorry for the kids that struggled with them. Well, now I am struggling with them; go figure. 
I also enjoyed the more intense moves like the burpees, switch lunges, and tuck jumps. OMG I hate despise can't stand have a difficult time with tuck jumps! But I did them, and I cursed Lisa-Marie that whole time. :)
She says in the video to stay with it, and makes a good point when she points out that the moves that people are struggling with now, will become easier as they do the workouts. I would like to point out that the moves will become easier but not easy. Never easy, and if the moves are easy, then you are not pushing yourself hard enough. 
To be honest, the move that I struggled with the most was the push ups. Isn't that sad? I feel like it is sad, but it is probably a clear sign of why my arms are so thick. My fiance doesn't like the word fat because it is so negative, so I will say that they are thick or chubby. My arms were shaking (and if you look at my number, I only did 11). It makes me sad, but it also makes me excited because it is a definite area to improve. I am excited to watch the chub turn into lean muscle. I am excited to watch the pictures of me get smaller and smaller. :)
Isn't that how it should be? Exciting?
30 days. I am making a 30 day commitment to be better. I don't want a month to go by and complain, and pout around the apartment, when I could have already done something. 
Overall, I enjoyed the Fit Test and can't wait for tomorrow or for my JM 30 Day Shred to finally get here. Better body here I come! 

Sweet, Fresh Banana Bites

I had a little bit of a sweet tooth today. It is hard to eat healthy. I mean I understand that anything worth doing isn't easy, but I am still adjusting. I want to set myself up for success and not failure. So small treats here and there like the apple chips.

To make these, you will need chocolate, bananas, nuts, and mini cupcake liners. Chop up the bananas into 1 inch pieces and freeze. This will probably take a couple of hours. When the bananas are frozen, melt the chocolate. Dip the banana pieces into the chocolate, dip them into the nuts, and place them into the mini cupcake liners and put them back into the freeze so they get all cold and yummy again.

They empty circles are the places where I ate some; the bananas
were a little green on the outside, which gives them the best flavor!

To die for! So yummy!! 

I made half completely covered in chocolate, but then, after trying one, I decided there was too much chocolate. So I put the other half in the liners, put a dollop a chocolate on top, and then sprinkled the nuts on top of that. It was a good moderation. Make it however you want. Just remember that it is all about control. I use the one for each hand rule :). Self control people, self control.